Faber’s FOREFRONT Series is a product line of heavy-duty and user-friendly Industrial gas burners for a vast array of applications that require heating capacities from 500,000 to 10,000,000 BTU/Hr.
Some applications include:
- Air Heaters
- Dryers
- Incinerators
- Industrial Furnaces
- Kilns
- Liquid Tank Heating – Immersion Tube Firing
- Ovens
- Steam Generators
- Thermal Fluid Heaters
- Thermal Oxidizers
Why choose a Faber FOREFRONT burner:
- Simple, Rugged, & Reliable
- Quick Deliveries
- No Nonsense

The Forefront Advanced Pollution-reduction Technology (APT) Burner is a rugged industrial package burner designed to meet the increasing demands for Ultra Low NOx applications.
- 1,000,000 to 6,000,000 Btu/hr
- <30 and <20 ppmv NOx
- <50 ppmv CO
- stable combustion
- 20 to 60% excess air
The Forefront SF burner is a short-flame rugged industrial package burner for gas-firing applications. It is a fully modulating nozzle-mix burner with an integral fuel-air linkage (single-point positioning) that allows a single firing demand signal to control both fuel and air in the proper ratios.
- 500,000 to 4,400,000 Btu/hr
- <60 ppm NOx
- 10 to 120% excess air